Take a look at your child or children. What do you imagine they will be doing in the next few years? How do you imagine they’ll live their lives when those few years arrive? Imagine that you can have them live that life today and now. If you’ve thought through on the first paragraph, you may doubt the possibility of your expectation seeing this side of earth. Most parents may not be able to see their children become today what they naturally expect of them in a few years from now. Our society has taught us that we have to bear the responsibilities of our wards till they are grown before we can empower them. Our brains are wired with the thought that our children are our responsibility so we can bear through with them while we wait their blossoming into that huge money making personality that we expect time will make them be. Now imagine your child runs home, jumps on you and says dad or mom here’s what I got $50000, I won the music competition at school.
Wouldn’t you collect the money? Off course you would. That money is too huge to overlook. You may think that doesn’t happen often, but how about if it happens? Our worlds is filled with too many possibilities that our thinking the normal everyday way has overlooked because we think some things are almost impossible that if they happen at all, they happen by chance. We can’t imagine a child or even a teen worth a million dollars. The good news is many children your child’s age have managed to break of the limitations that their parents placed around them and have gone ahead to do unbelievable things, things their parents could never have done at their age. Some parents who had the same information as I am about sharing with you in this book have helped position their children and are benefitting from the wealth they have helped their children create.